ACT - The ACT, originally the American College Testing program, is universally accepted for college admission. The ACT is comprised of curriculum-based tests. The questions on the ACT are directly related to what students have learned in high school courses in English, mathematics and science. Because the ACT tests are based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, students are generally more comfortable with the ACT than they are with traditional aptitude tests or tests with narrower content.

    The ACT also provides test takers with a unique interest inventory that provides valuable information for career and educational planning and a student profile section that provides a comprehensive profile of a student's work in high school and his or her future plans.

                                                       To register for the ACT visit:                







    ACT fee waivers are available for students that meet the criteria. Visit the counseling office for additional information.





    SAT – The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) provides a trusted, nationally recognized indicator of your academic readiness for college. The SAT tests the reading, writing and math skills that students learn in school and that are critical for success in college and beyond. It gives both students and colleges a sense of how they’ll be able to apply the thinking, writing and study skills required for college course work. More information on the SAT can be found at http://sat.collegeboard.org.

    In a way, the SAT is the bridge between the hard work students have already done and the college that is the best fit for the future students are about to create. The SAT also provides the opportunity for students to connect to scholarship opportunities, place out of certain college courses and learn more about your academic strengths.

    SAT Subject Tests - Subject tests are hour-long, content-based tests that allow students to showcase achievement in specific subject areas in which they excel. These are the only national admission tests where students choose the tests that best demonstrate their achievements and interests. There are 20 SAT Subject Tests in five general subject areas: English, history, languages, mathematics and science.

    SAT subject tests allow students to differentiate themselves in the college admission process or send a strong message regarding your readiness to study specific majors or programs in college. In conjunction with other admission credentials (student high school records, SAT scores, teacher recommendations, etc.), they provide a more complete picture of student academic background and interests.

    Some colleges also use subject tests to place students into the appropriate courses. Based on student performance on the test(s), they could potentially fulfill basic requirements or receive credit for introductory-level courses.

                                                                  To register for the SAT visit:                






    SAT fee waivers are available for students that meet the criteria. Visit the counseling office for additional information.






    PSAT/NMSQT (sophomore and/or junior year) - the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program co-sponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT®. It also gives you a chance to enter NMSC scholarship programs (only juniors are eligible to participate in the NMSC program) and gain access to college and career planning tools.

    The PSAT/NMSQT measures:                                                                                        To learn more about the PSAT visit :

    • Critical reading skills                                                                                                               
    • Math problem-solving skillspsat
    • Writing skills







    College and Career Planning-Using their unique access code found on the PSAT Score Report student may log in to My College Quick Start. This free personalized planning tool allows students to:


    • See correct answers and explanations                                                  To learn more about the College Quick Start visit :
    • Get a personalized SAT® study plan
    • Search for collegesPsat
    • Explore majors and careers
    • Learn about scholarship  programs
    • Take a personality test
    • Use AP Potential













    The ASVAB is a career exploration tool that can assist students in identifying post-secondary options even if they are not interested in joining the military. For those student interested in joining the military, the ASVAB is used by all branches of the military to identify military aptitude and potential career options.

    Preparing for the ASVAB-http://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab/









    California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a program established by California law (Education Code Section 48412). If eligible to take the test, you can earn the legal equivalent of a high school diploma by passing the CHSPE.

    All person and institutions subject to California law that require a high school diploma for any purpose must accept the certificate as satisfying the requirements. Military service policies vary. Check with your recruiter for details. If you are planning on attending a university or college, contact the individual institution to verify entrance requirements.

    For more information please visits


