Dear Mustang Families,
This year, AADUSD will participate in The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). The CHKS survey is beneficial because it is anonymous, and it satisfies the new yearly mandate to administer a school climate survey. Please ensure your students complete the survey the week of March 25-29 in grade 5, 7, 9, 11. The survey is estimated to take approximately 15-30 minutes. Please review the CHKS Guide for Consent below. State law requires active parental consent (parents must opt in) for grade 5 and passive parental consent in grades 7, 9 and 11. This was sent out via Blackboard email.
Please review the links below for more information.
Thank you
CHKS Brochure
CDE California Healthy Kids Survey Website.
CHKS Questions (Grades 9 and 11).