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After School Tutoring Schedule

Monday (3-4 PM):
- English/ History in room 402
- Math/ Science in room 202
Tuesday (3-4 PM):
- English/ History in room 402
- No tutoring- staff meeting day
Thursday (3-4 PM):
- English/ History in room 402
- Any subject in room 504
Friday (3-4 PM):
- Any subject in room 504
Our recent math adoption includes a wealth of accompanying resources to aid student success. The following consists of links to the general resource pages for each text and links to further resources by topics or chapters. Most of these resources include videos for reviewing lessons. Another great resource for video lessons is khanacademy.org Searching for a specific topic on Youtube.com can also yield useful results.
Understanding how to manipulate fractions is imperative to success in Algebra so sources for fraction review are also listed below.General PreCalculus Resources
- www.purplemath.com – math tutorials for the beginning of trig
- khanacademy.org – math video tutorials
- http://faculty.ccp.edu/dept/
math/161-precalculus-1/santos- notes.pdf – math notes -basically an online textbook
- freemathhelp.com – math video tutorials
- mathway.com/ – Free math problem solver answers
- math.com/ – math video tutorials
- www.math.ucdavis.edu -Precalculus Problems Website
- brightstorm.com – trigonometry math video tutorials
- brightstorm.com – precalculus math video tutorials
- www.coolmath.com – math tutorials
- www.hotmath.com – math video tutorials and solutions to odd numbered questions
Animated Precalculus – TextBook
Animated Precalculus – lesson videos/simulations The following is the complete list of these videos provided at http://college.cengage.com/mathematics/larson/ precalculus_limits_aga/5e/ resources/ap.html Chapter 1 Functions and Their Graphs Section 1.1 Lines in the Plane- Video: Slope Formula – An Overview
- Video: Slope Formula
- Video: Find the Slope of a Line Given Two Points
- Video: Write the Equation of a Line Given a Point and the Slope
- Video: Graph a Line Given the Intercept and the Slope
- Video: Slope-Intercept Form
- Video: Use Slope to Identify Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
- Video: Determine Whether Relations between Two Variables Are Functions
- Video: Determine Whether Relations between Two Variables Are Functions
- Video: Use Function Notation and Evaluate a Function
- Video: Evaluate a Piecewise-Defined Functions
- Simulation: Piecewise Defined Functions
- Video: Find Domain and Range of a Function
- Video: Use Functions to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Video: Difference Quotient of a Quadratic
- Video: Determine Domain and Range from a Graph
- Video: Apply the Vertical Line Test
- Video: Determine Intervals on Which Functions Are Increasing or Decreasing
- Video: Find Relative Minima and Relative Maxima
- Video: Graphing a Step Function
- Video: Graph Piecewise Functions
- Video: Identify Even and Odd Functions
- Video: Identify Even and Odd Functions
- Video: Identify Even and Odd Functions
- Video: Identify Graphs of Basic Functions
- Video: Use Vertical and Horizontal Shifts to Sketch Graphs of Functions
- Video: Use Vertical and Horizontal Shifts to Sketch Functions
- Simulation: Transformations of Graphs and Functions
- Video: Use Reflections to Sketch Graphs of Functions
- Video: Nonrigid Transformations
- Video: Operations with Functions
- Video: Find the Composition of Two Functions
- Simulation: Algebra of Functions
- Video: Verify Inverse Functions
- Video: The Graph of an Inverse Function
- Video: Determine Whether a Function Is One-to-One
- Video: Find the Inverse of a Function
- Video: Make a Scatter Diagram, Visually Estimate Degree of Linear Correlation
- Video: Scatter Plots and Correlation
- Simulation: Linear Modeling with Least Squares Regression
- Simulation: Linear Modeling with Least Squares Regression
- Video: Finding a Linear Regression Using a Graphing Utility
- Video: Finding a Correlation Coefficient Using a Graphing Utility
- Video: Graph a Quadratic Function
- Simulation: Transformations of Graphs and Functions
- Video: Write the Equation of a Parabola
- Video: Finding a Parabolic Equation Given Its Vertex and a Point
- Video: Applications Problems- Solving Minimum and Maximum Problems
- Simulation: Finding the Maximum or Minimum Value of a Quadratic Function
- Simulation: Advanced Techniques for Graphing Polynomial Functions
- Video: Characteristics of Higher Degree Polynomials
- Video: Determine Right-Hand and Left-Hand Behavior of Functions
- Video: Find the Zeros of a Polynomial Equation
- Simulation: Finding Zeros of Polynomial Functions
- Video: Find a Polynomial with Given Zeros
- Video: Sketching the Graph of a Polynomial Function
- Video: Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to Help Locate Zeros of Polynomial Functions
- Video: Divide Polynomials Using Long Division
- Video: Use Synthetic Division to Factor Polynomials
- Video: Apply the Remainder Theorem
- Video: Apply the Factor Theorem
- Video: Apply the Rational Zeros Theorem
- Video: Apply Descartes Rule of Signs
- Video: Apply the Upper- and Lower-Bound Theorems
- Video: Use the Imaginary Unit i to Write Complex Numbers
- Video: Add and Subtract Complex Numbers
- Video: Multiply Complex Numbers
- Simulation: Finding Products of Complex Conjugates
- Video: Complex Conjugates
- Video: Divide Complex Numbers
- Video: Plot Complex Numbers in the Complex Plane
- Video: Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
- Video: Apply the Factorization Theorem
- Video: Finding Complex Zeros of a Polynomial Function
- Video: Find Conjugate Pairs of Complex Zeros
- Video: Find All Zeros of a Cubic by Factoring Given a Complex Zero – Part A
- Video: Find All Zeros of a Cubic by Factoring Given a Complex Zero – Part B
- Video: Introduction to Asymptotes
- Video: Determine Asymptotes of Rational Equations
- Video: Application Problems- Graphing Rational Equations
- Simulation: Graphs of Rational Functions
- Video: Use Asymptotes to Graph Rational Equations
- Simulation: The Domain and Slant Asymptotes of a Rational Function
- Video: Sketch Graphs of Rational Functions That Have Slant Asymptotes
- Simulation: Graphs of Rational Functions
- Video: Determine the Function Type That Will Best Model Data
- Video: Choosing between a Linear and a Quadratic Regression
- Simulation: Quadratic Modeling with Least Squares Regression
- Video: Recognize and Evaluate Exponential Functions with Base a
- Simulation: Exponential Functions
- Video: Graph Exponential Functions
- Video: Transformations of Exponential Functions
- Video: Evaluate and Graph Natural Exponential Functions
- Video: Evaluate and Graph Natural Exponential Functions
- Simulation: Exponential Functions
- Video: Compound Interest
- Video: Write Equivalent Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Evaluate Logarithms
- Video: Write Equivalent Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Evaluate Logarithms
- Video: Write Equivalent Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Evaluate Logarithms
- Video: Graph Logarithmic Functions
- Simulation: Graphs and Properties of Logarithms
- Video: Evaluate Natural Logarithms and Graph Natural Logarithm Functions
- Video: Evaluate Natural Logarithms and Graph Natural Logarithm Functions
- Video: Find the Domain of a Logarithmic Function
- Video: Apply Change of Base to Evaluate Logarithms
- Video: Evaluate Logarithms Using the Properties of Logarithms
- Video: Rewrite, Expand, and Condense Logarithmic Expression – Part A
- Video: Rewrite, Expand, and Condense Logarithmic Expression – Part B
- Video: Solve Basic Exponential Equations
- video: Solve Basic Logarithmic Equations
- Simulation: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- Video: Solve Exponential Equations
- Video: Solve Logarithmic Equations
- Video: Application Problems- Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- Simulation: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- Video: Recognize the Five Most Common Types of Models Involving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Video: Use Exponential Growth and Decay to Model Real-Life Situations
- Simulation: Exponential and Logarithmic Models
- Video: Use Exponential Growth and Decay to Model Real-Life Situations
- Video: Gaussian Models
- Video: Logistic Growth Models
- Video: Logarithmic Models
- Video: Classifying a Scatter Plot as Exponential or Logarithmic
- Simulation: Using Regression to Find Exponential and Logarithmic Models
- Simulation: Using Regression to Find Exponential and Logarithmic Models
- Video: Fitting Data to Quadratic, Cubic, and Exponential Models – Part A
- Video: Fitting Data to Quadratic, Cubic, and Exponential Models – Part B
- Video: Modeling with an Exponential Function – Part A
- Video: Modeling with an Exponential Function – Part B
- Video: Describe Angles
- Video: Use Radian Measure
- Video: Convert between Degree and Radian Measures
- Video: Use Angles to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Video: Definition of Sine and Cosine
- Simulation: Defining the Trigonometric Functions Using the Unit Circle
- Video: Identify a Unit Circle and Its Relationship to Real Numbers
- Video: Evaluate Sine and Cosine at Standard Angles
- Video: Evaluating Trigonometric Functions with a Calculator- Unit Circle
- Video: Use the Domain and the Period to Evaluate Sine and Cosine Functions
- Video: Evaluate Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles
- Video: Use the Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
- Video: Use Trigonometric Functions to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Video: Evaluate Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
- Simulation: Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
- Video: Use Reference Angles to Evaluate Trigonometric Functions
- Video: Evaluate Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Basic Sine and Cosine Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Basic Sine and Cosine Functions
- Simulation: Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
- Video: Use Amplitude and Period to Help Sketch the Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
- Video: Use Amplitude and Period to Help Sketch the Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
- Video: Sketch Translations of the Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
- Simulation: Graphing Sine and Cosine Functions
- Simulation: Finding a Trigonometric Model for Data
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Tangent Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Cotangent Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Secant and Cosecant Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Secant and Cosecant Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Secant and Cosecant Functions
- Simulation: Graphing the Secant and Cosecant Functions
- Video: Sketch the Graphs of Damped Trigonometric Functions
- Simulation: Damped Trigonometric Graphs
- Video: Evaluate the Inverse Sine Function
- Video: Evaluate the Inverse Sine Function
- Video: Evaluate the Inverse Sine Function
- Simulation: Inverse Sine Function
- Video: Evaluate the Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Video: Evaluate the Compositions of Trigonometric Functions
- Video: Right Triangle Trigonometry
- Video: an Application with the Tangent Function
- Video: Solve Real-Life Problems Involving Right Triangles
- Video: Solve Real-Life Problems Involving Directional Bearings
- Video: Solve Real-Life Problems Involving Directional Bearings
- Video: Use the Fundamental Trigonometric Identities – Part A
- Video: Use the Fundamental Trigonometric Identities – Part B
- Video: Plan a Strategy for Verifying Trigonometric Identities
- Video: Verify Trigonometric Identities
- Video: Use Standard Algebraic Techniques to Solve Trigonometric Equations
- Video: Solve Trigonometric Equations of Quadratic Type
- Video: Solve Trigonometric Equations Involving Multiple Angles
- Simulation: Solving Trigonometric Equations
- Video: Use Multiple-Angle formulas to Rewrite and Evaluate Trigonometric Functions
- Video: Use Half-Angle formulas to Rewrite and Evaluate Trigonometric Functions
- Video: Use Product-to-Sum and Sum-to-Product Formulas
- Video: Use the Law of Sines to Solve Oblique Triangles (AAS or ASA)
- Video: Use the Law of Sines to Solve Oblique Triangles (AAS or ASA)
- Video: Use the Law of Sines to Solve Oblique Triangles (SSA)
- Simulation: Law of Sines
- Video: Represent Vectors as Directed Line Segments
- Video: Write the Component forms of Vectors
- Video: Vector Operations
- Simulation: Vectors in the Plane
- Video: Write Vectors As Linear Combinations of Unit Vectors
- Video: Find the Direction Angles of Vectors
- Video: Use Vectors to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Video: Use Vectors to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Simulation: Using Unit Vectors
- Video: the Dot Product of Two Vectors
- Video: Find the Angle between Two Vectors and Determine Whether Two Vectors Are orthogonal
- Video: Find the Angle between Two Vectors and Determine Whether Two Vectors Are orthogonal
- Simulation: Finding Vector Components
- Video: Write a Vector as the Sum of Two Vector Components
- Video: Scalar Projection of a Vector
- Video: Scalar Projection of a Vector
- Video: Scalar Projection of a Vector
- Video: Use Vectors to Find the Work done by a Force
- Video: Vectors- Application-Work
- Video: Absolute Value of a Complex Number
- Video: Write the Trigonometric Forms of Complex Numbers
- Video: Multiply and Divide Complex Numbers Written in Trigonometric Form
- Video: Use DeMoivre’s Theorem to Find Powers of Complex Numbers
- Video: Find nth Roots of Complex Numbers
- Video: Solve a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables by the Substitution Method
- Video: Use the Method of Substitution to Solve Systems with No Solution or Infinitely Many Solutions
- Video: Solve a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables by Graphing
- Simulation: Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Video: Find Break-Even Points
- Video: Solve a System of Two Linear Equations in Two Variables by the Addition Method
- Video: Use a Coordinate System to Solve Systems of Linear Equations Graphically
- Video: Construct a System of Linear Equations from an Application Problem
- Video: Solve Systems of Equations in Three Variables Written in Row Echelon form
- Video: Solve Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables by Gaussian Elimination
- Video: A System of Three Variables with Infinitely Many Solutions
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Find Partial Fraction Decompositions of Rational Expressions
- Video: Partial Fractions Decomposition- Distinct Linear Factors
- Video: Find a Quadratic Equation Given Three Solution Points Using Systems of Linear Equations
- Video: Identify the order of Matrices
- Video: Write Augmented and Coefficient Matrices
- Video: Use Matrices and Gaussian Elimination to Solve Systems of Linear Equations
- Video: Use Matrices to Solve Systems of Linear Equations with Nonunique Solutions
- Video: Use Matrices to Solve Systems of Linear Equations with Nonunique Solutions
- Video: Use Matrices and Gauss-Jordan Elimination to Solve Systems of Linear Equations
- Video: Equality of Matrices
- Video: Add and Subtract Matrices
- Video: Multiply a Matrix by a Scalar
- Video: Multiply Two Matrices
- Video: Use Matrix Operations to Model and Solve Real-Life Problems
- Simulation: Matrix Equations and Systems of Linear Equations
- Video: Verify That Two Matrices Are Inverses of Each Other
- Video: Find Inverse Matrices
- Video: Find Inverse Matrices
- Simulation: the Inverse of a Square Matrix
- Video: Use Inverse Matrices to Solve Systems of Linear Equations
- Video: Determinant of a 2 by 2 Matrix
- Video: Evaluate Determinants
- Video: the Determinant of a Square Matrix
- Simulation: Determinants
- Video: Finding the Determinant of a Triangular Matrix
- Video: Area of a Triangle
- Video: Lines in a Plane
- Video: Solve Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables by Using Cramer’s Rule
- Video: Solve Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables by Using Cramer’s Rule
- Video: Cryptography
- Video: Cryptography
- Video: Write the Terms of a Sequence
- Video: Use Factorial Notation
- Video: Use Summation Notation to Write Sums
- video: Evaluate a Series
- Video: Finding an Elementary Infinite Sum
- Video: Find the nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence
- Video: Evaluate an Arithmetic Series, Partial Sum
- Simulation: Arithmetic Sequences and Series
- Video: Finding the Common Ratio of a Geometric Sequence
- Video: Find the nth Term of a Geometric Sequence
- Video: Calculate Finite Geometric Series
- Video: Calculate Infinite Geometric Series
- Simulation: Geometric Sequences and Series
- Video: Application Problems- Geometric Series
- Video: Introduction to Mathematical Induction
- Video: Introduction to Mathematical Induction- a way of proving math statements for all integers
- Video: Use Mathematical Induction to Prove a Statement
- Simulation: Sums of Powers of Integers and Finite Differences
- Simulation: Sums of Powers of Integers and Finite Differences
- Video: Expand a Binomial to a Power Using the Binomial theorem
- Simulation: Binomial Expansions
- Video: Find Binomial Coefficients Using Pascal’s Triangle
- Video: Simple Counting Problems
- Video: Use the Fundamental Counting Principle to Solve Counting Problems
- Video: Use Permutations to Solve Counting Problems
- Video: Use Combinations to Solve Counting Problems
- Video: Understand the Definition of Probability
- Video: Calculate the Probability of a Simple Event
- Video: Mutually Exclusive Events
- Video: Compute the Probability That Two or More Independent Events Will Occur
- Video: the Complement of an Event
- Video: Recognize the Four Basic Conics
- Video: Write Equations of Circles
- Video: Write Equations of Parabolas
- Video: Analyze Parabolas
- Video: Analyze Parabolas
- Video: Analyze Parabolas
- Video: Reflective Property of Parabolas
- Video: Introduction to Ellipses and Elliptical Equations
- Simulation: Ellipses Centered at (0, 0)
- Video: Write Equations of Ellipses
- Simulation: Ellipses and Hyperbolas Centered at (h, k)
- Video: Application Problems – Ellipses
- Video: Eccentricity of an Ellipse
- Video: Introduction to Hyperbolas
- Simulation: Hyperbolas Centered at (0, 0)
- Video: Graph a Hyperbola with Center at (h, k)
- Video: Graph a Hyperbola with Center at (h, k)
- Video: Plane Curves
- Video: Evaluate a Set of Parametric Equations
- Video: Sketch the Curve that is Represented by a Set of Parametric Equations
- Video: Rewrite a Set of Parametric Equations as a Single Rectangular Equation
- Video: Plot Points on the Polar Coordinate System
- Video: Plot Points on the Polar Coordinate System
- Simulation: Polar Coordinates
- Video: Convert Points from Rectangular to Polar and Vice-Versa
- Video: Convert Equations from Rectangular to Polar and Vice Versa
- Video: Convert Equations from Rectangular to Polar and Vice Versa
- Video: Graph Polar Equations by Point Plotting
- Video: Graph Polar Equations by Point Plotting
- Video: Preparing a Table of Polar Coordinates
- Video: Use Symmetry to Sketch Graphs of Polar Equations
- Video: Use Zeros and Maximum r-Values to Sketch Graphs of Polar Equations
- Video: Recognize Special Polar Graphs
- Video: Graphing Polar Equations with a Calculator
- Video: Define Conics in Terms of Eccentricity
- Video: Eccentricity of an Ellipse
- Simulation: Polar Equations of Conics
- Video: Polar Equations of Conics
- Simulation: Polar Equations of Conics
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Plot Points in Space
- Video: Plot Points in Three Dimensional Space
- Video: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Video: Find Distances between Points in Space and Find Midpoints of Line Segments in Space
- Video: Find Distances between Points in Space and Find Midpoints of Line Segments in Space
- Video: Write the Standard Forms of the Equations of Spheres
- Video: Write the Standard Forms of the Equations of Spheres
- Video: Sketch the Coordinate Plane Traces of Spheres
- Video: Vectors – Introduction
- Video: Use Points in Space to Describe Vectors
- Video: Vector Length
- Video: The Dot Product
- Video: Parallel and Orthogonal Vectors
- Simulation: Vectors in Space
- Video: The Cross Product
- Video: Cross Product of Vectors
- Video: Geometric Properties of the Cross Product
- Video: Geometry of the Cross Product of Vectors- an Overview
- Video: the Triple Scalar Product
- Video: Vectors – Parametric and Symmetric Equations for the Line
- Video: Lines in Space
- Video: Vectors – Find Parametric Equation for a Line through a Point and Parallel to a Line
- Video: Sketch Planes in Space
- Video: Vectors- Find Distance from Point to Plane
- Video: Distance between a Point and a Plane
- Video: Formal Definition of a Limit
- Video: Formal Definition of a Limit
- Video: Find Limits of Functions Graphically and Numerically
- Video: Recognize Unbounded Behavior of Functions
- Video: Recognize Unbounded Behavior of Functions
- Video: Recognize Unbounded Behavior of Functions
- Video: Use the Properties of Limits to Evaluate Limits of Functions
- Video: Properties of Limits
- Video: Finding Limits with the Rules of Limits
- Video: Limits of Polynomial and Rational Functions
- Video: Approximate Limits That Produce Indeterminate Forms
- Video: Finding Limits by Simplifying
- Video: Finding Limits by Simplifying
- Video: Evaluate One-Sided Limits
- Simulation: Identifying a Composition of Functions and Finding a Difference Quotient
- Video: Approximate the Slopes of Tangent Lines to Graphs at Points
- Video: Slope of Tangent Lines to a Point on a Curve
- Video: Tangents, Secants, and Rate of Change
- Video: Tangent Line with Slope m – Part A
- Video: Tangent Line with Slope m – Part B
- Video: A Limit from Calculus
- Video: Use the Limit Definition to Find the Derivatives of Functions
- Video: Find the Horizontal Asymptotes of Functions and Find Limits at Infinity
- Video: Properties of Limits at Infinity
- Video: Evaluation of Limits at Infinity for a Rational Function
- Video: Find the Horizontal Asymptotes of Functions and Find Limits at Infinity
- Video: Limits at Infinity
- Simulation: Evaluating a Limit at Infinity
- Video: Determine the Convergence or Divergence of
Test Preparation Resources
Many books are available to help with specific tests. Here are some resources that will allow for extra practice and help.collegeboard.org Practice questions for and info on SAT and AP ExamsLearningExpress Library! – Practice tests, tutorials and eBooks for school and career, including college entrance, civil service and citizenship. To use Learning Express and save your test results.Free online math tests. Free online math tests for elementary, middle school, and high school students. All tests come with an instant feedback and an overall score.4Tests.com. 4Tests.com is a world-wide provider of free, online practice exams.Majortests.com provides practice tests and resources for high school, college and graduate tests.Number2.com is the only website that offers students access to comprehensive free online test preparation courses for the SAT, ACT, and GRE.