HDS Hawk Happenings Aug. 19, 2022

Posted by Michelle VanOrnum on 8/19/2022 7:00:00 AM

Dear High Desert Hawk Families, 

Today is our Hawks Pride Day! We can’t wait to see all of our High Desert Hawks decked out in green, white, and black. We also have a fun Friday planned with music on the quad. 

A few reminders:

  • Dress Code
      • Our High Desert School Dress Code will be enforced. Please remind your students to double-check their attire to ensure that they are dressed appropriately.
  • Cell Phones and Gum
      • We are a NO cell phone and no gum campus. Students are expected turn off cell phones when then arrive on campus and leave them in their backpack. Gum should be left at home.
  • Water Bottles
      • Please have students bring a refillable water bottle to school each day. We have filtered water refil stations and we want to be sure that students stay hydrated, especially during PE.
  • Health Updates
      • We do have ongoing guidelines regarding masks. Nurse Cari Wright will be sending letters to families if there is a positive COVID-19 case on campus. Please read the updated guidelines if you receive a letter. 
      • Medications - Please see the email from Nurse Cari Wright on August 18, 2022. If your child has a severe allergy, asthma, or other medical condition that requires an epi pen, an inhaler, or specific medication, please have your doctor’s office complete the form and check in the medication with the Nurse Cari. We want to be sure that all students have ready access to what they need. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Cari at 661-575-7022 or email cwright@aadusd.k12.ca.us 
      • 7th grade TDAP - please ensure that your student is up to date with their TDAP and that the school office has updated vaccination records. It is a requirement for all students in 7th grade and up to have TDAP vaccination.
  • Student Schedules
      • If students have not picked up their schedule, it will be available in the school office. 
  • Pick up and Drop Off
      • For drop-off, please see the attached diagram. Students will be dropped off at the gate in front of the main office and will continue to the gate in front of the MPR to enter the quad. Students will remain in the Quad in the mornings. The bell will ring at 7:55am for students to line up at their first class. Parents will proceed down Antelope Woods Rd. They will pull into the bus loop and follow it around to exit. For the safety of all of our students, please do not make a U-turn.
      • For pick-up, parents will follow the same procedure. Students will wait on the sidewalk area for their ride and parents will follow through the bus loop to exit after picking up their student.
  • Transportation
  • Lunch
      • AADUSD will be serving food to ALL students at break and lunch. Students may still choose to bring their own food, but food will also be provided to all students.
      • Thank you to all of the families who completed the meal application. Your participation and submission of this important document helps to secure funding for food for all students. 
  • Visitors on Campus
    • All parents and visitors to the campus must sign in using their ID through the Raptor system in the front office in order to enter the campus.  
    • Parent Volunteers will need to be fingerprinted through the District Office to volunteer on campus.

August 18 and 19, 2022 - Regular Block Schedule Days

  • August 18 - Period 0, 1, 2, 3 with Dismissal at 2:20pm
  • August 19 - Period 0, 4, 5, 6 with Dismissal at 2:20pm
    • Students will be utilizing their planners every day. Please ensure that their planner and school supplies are in their backpack daily.

August 19, 2022 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm

  • Volleyball Tryouts in the MPR
    • Wishing good luck to all of the student athletes who are trying out! More details about the season will be shared once the team members are determined.
    • Attire for tryouts: Athletic shoes, knee pads, and shorts. Players should bring a water bottle. All students need to complete the Athletic Clearance online as well as submitting proof of a physical prior to the first day of practice.

August 19, 2022 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm

  • Cross Country Information Meeting in HDS Library
    • Cross Country is having an informational meeting today in the Library after school. Come meet the coaches and get more information about how to join the team this season. If you have any questions about Cross Country, please contact head coach, Mrs. T mtawfik@aadusd.k12.ca.us 
    • Practices for Cross Country will be after school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

August 19, 2022 - Spirit Day

  • Show your Hawks Pride and Wear Green, Black, and White on Friday!

September 1, 2022 - Back to School Night

  • Join us on Thursday, Sept. 1 for Back to School Night beginning at 5:30 pm.

This week, there was a great article in the Washinton Post entitled, “Five Ways to Help Your Children Have a Better School Year.” It contains some excellent tips and strategies to support our kids as they persevere through the challenging last few years.

August 19, 2022 Newsletter

August 19, 2022 Spanish Newsletter

Have a great evening and GO HAWKS!