Physical Education

  • Physical education is an integral part of the education program for all students. It teaches students how their bodies move and how to perform a variety of physical activities. Students learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle. The discipline also provides learning experiences that meet the developmental needs of students. With high-quality physical education instruction, students become confident, independent, self-controlled, and resilient; develop positive social skills; set and strive for personal, achievable goals; learn to assume leadership; cooperate with others; accept responsibility for their own behavior; and, ultimately, improve their academic performance.  

    According to the U.S. Surgeon General, regular physical activity is one of the most important ways to maintain and improve one’s physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. A student who participates in physical education is more likely to become a healthy adult who is motivated to remain healthy and physically active throughout his or her life. 

    The Framework describes a sequential, developmental, age-appropriate physical education program designed to provide students with the knowledge and ability needed to maintain active, healthy lifestyles.  In accordance with the Framework, the three major goals for the physical education curriculum are: 

    Movement skills and movement knowledge:  Students need to develop effective motor skills and to understand the fundamentals of movement by practicing and analyzing purposeful movement;

    Self-image and personal development:  Students develop and maintain a positive self-image and strive to become the best that they can be through planned physical activities;

    Social development:  Students develop appropriate social behaviors by working independently and with others during planned physical activity;

    The vision of those who created these standards is for all students to be involved in physical education and to have fun while moving.  Students who participate in quality physical education programs receive a variety of benefits, including:

    • the development of a variety of motor skills and abilities related to lifetime leisure skills;
    • an improved understanding of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
    • an improved understanding of movement and the human body;
    • improved knowledge of the rules and strategies of particular games and sports;
    • self-confidence and a sense of self-worth in relation to physical education and recreation programs; 

    Physical Education Methods of Assessment: 

    Each day, students receive a grade for a combination of participation, effort, attitude, proper dress, and being on time to class.  If you sit out, you do not receive participation credit for the day.  Students’ skills and fitness improvement and knowledge will also be evaluated regularly by performance, projects, and tests.  

    Grading Practices

    • Participation, Effort, & Attitude             
    • Skills-Improvement & Knowledge         
    • Fitness- Improvement & Knowledge     

    General Pacing Plan

    Weeks 1-3

    • Flag Football

    Weeks 4-6

    • Softball

    Weeks 7-9

    • Basketball

    Weeks 10-14

    • Volleyball

    Weeks 15-18

    • Paddle Tennis

    Weeks 19-21

    • Dodgeball

    Weeks 22-24

    • Soccer

    Weeks 25-27

    • Track & Field

    Weeks 28-30

    • Tennis/ Badminton

    Weeks 31-33

    • Hockey

    Weeks 34-36

    • Ultimate Frisbee

    Along with each sport’s drills and activities, all students will participate in two “fitness days” each week.  These fitness days will include several varieties of cardiovascular aerobic activities; including: distance running, plyometric agilities, hill-repeats, and jumping rope.