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AADUSD COVID-19 Parent Notification 3/20/20
Good evening. This is Mr. King, superintendent of the AADUSD. I want you to know that my heart goes out to each and every one of you. Some of you are being affected financially because of layoffs or not being compensated while your place of work or business is non-operational. Some of you are having daycare issues, which I will speak about shortly. I walk through empty classrooms and schools and I miss our students tremendously. I know many of our students miss seeing their friends and teachers. We will get through this. I promise. We are here for all of you. My heart goes out to the friends and families of those who have been affected by the coronavirus.
At this time I would like to inform you that we are in alignment and in agreement with the recommendation of our County Superintendent, Dr. Debra Duardo. Dr. Duardo has recommended that LA County schools remain closed through Tuesday, May 5, 2020. We have composed a team made up of representatives from our teacher association, classified school employee association, and administrators. I will be updating this group each week as many times as needed to ensure we have solid plans in place as we have done this past week and a half.
Sunny Days childcare will be in operation beginning Monday, March 23, 2020. There are specific guidelines that childcare facilities must adhere to during this time. Please refer to our website for further information. Additionally, we have provided meals to anyone who is under 18 years of age. This information can be found on our website as well.
I would like to give a very special thank you to our Distance Learning Instructional Team. This team is composed of administrators and teachers. They have done an absolutely amazing job of evaluating, recommending, and providing online resources for learning as well as packets that were available for pick up this week. I will be taking recommendations from this team to ensure our students have every opportunity to learn at home. We are having discussions about video conferencing, “office hours” for teachers, and virtual staff meetings, for example.
I will be preparing further communication this weekend with the use of video technology. As soon as that is available the links will be posted on our website and social media accounts. We will continue to conduct business such as board meetings, payroll, food services, and instruction so students may continue to learn and grow. Please know that on behalf of Board President Mr. Ken Pfalzgraf and all of our Board Trustees care deeply about our students and their families. We will continue to do everything possible to put their health and safety first. I will continue to provide community updates each week. Please be safe and have a good evening.